
Statement on Arogya Setu Source Code Release under Apache License

June 1, 2020

Reading Time: 4 min


In a country where there is a stated policy on adoption of Free Software (sometimes called as open source), it is rather surprising that a public application supported, promoted, and partially mandated by the government is not Free Software from the very inception. While the server side source code still remains undisclosed and several unresolved technical questions exist including about reproducibility of builds (to verify the application distributed via Google’s play store is really built from the source code published) and whether penetration testing is acceptable, we use the attention brought on transparency to raise larger issues about Aarogya Setu application and government’s use of technology in handling the most dreadful pandemic of our times.

Arogya Sethu & Protection of privacy, autonomy and dignity of workers during COVID-19 outbreak

May 13, 2020

Reading Time: 1 min

FSCI endorses the letter of representation against Mandatory Use of Aarogya Setu to protect privacy, autonomy and dignity of workers during COVID-19 outbreak, originally drafted by Internet Freedom Foundation. Read the full letter in PDF. Download